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Business Information

Business Overview

Our profile, business transition and conditions are shown below.

Net One Systems Business Overview(PDF)

Sector Information

Enterprise – ENT market

ENT sector expanded its business targeting manufacturing industry (automobiles, electrical machinery, etc.), non-manufacturing industry (transport, services), Japanese financial institutions and foreign affiliates. We provide support for customers requiring large-scale ICT systems, seeking to cut time and cost, and improve work style, etc., by utilizing advanced ICT.

Telecom carrier – SP market

SP sector expanded its business targeting fixed and mobile telecommunication carriers. We established social infrastructure in partnership with customers providing services related to network platforms and networks as infrastructure.

Public – PUB market

PUB sector expanded its business targeting government, local government, the education sector, and corporations that provide social infrastructure (cable television, power, etc.). We provided technical support for utilization of national telecommunications infrastructure, integration of campus infrastructure as well as joint public-private sector projects.

Partner – distributor

Partner sector developed new value added solutions with partner companies using the resale business model as the prototype rather than direct sales in order to develop new markets. We joined the resources of the Group to system solutions that partner companies specialize in with the aim of acquiring new customers.