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  1. Sustainability

Sustainability Management

Net One Group’s Corporate Philosophy System

On April 1, 2022, the Net One Group formulated a new corporate philosophy system.

The new corporate philosophy system consists of the “Purpose,” which is the reason for the existence of the Group, the specific “Mission,” which shows what we can contribute to society, the “Vision,” which is our specific targets and path, the “Values” from which we should never stray, and the “WAY” which serves as the basics of how we think and decide for each and every member of the Group.

Sustainability Policy

As a leading network company, we have grown by providing high value-added services that support the transformation of our customers and society.

Our value is “to create a prosperous future through tradition and innovation by unlocking the potential of people and networks,” and we believe that contributing to “customer success,” “employee happiness,” “building co-creation relationships with partners,” “increasing shareholder value,” and “preserving the natural environment” through our business will enhance corporate value. We will hone our ICT expertise in critical assessment and knowledge born of “superior network technology,” “multi-vendor support,” and “co-creation with customers” to provide services that create both social and economic values, thereby contributing to a sustainable society and achieving sustainable growth for our company.

Overview of Sustainability Management

We have identified materialities as key challenges for sustainable growth, based on our corporate philosophy system, including our Purpose, and sustainability policy. Materialities are incorporated into specific initiatives in our current Medium-Term Business Plan and SDGs Declaration.

Net One Group’s Sustainability Promotion System

In April 2022, the Group established the Sustainability Committee to deliberate and decide on important matters related to sustainability, with the aim of promoting sustainability initiatives. The Sustainability Committee’s officer in charge is the President who serves as CEO, and the Committee is chaired by the Vice President who serves as CSO. It consists of managers and personnel who are in charge of the business divisions, corporate divisions, and some subsidiaries.

In promoting sustainability, the Committee identifies our materialities and appoints organizations in charge. KPIs are set for the identified materialities, and based on these KPIs, the Sustainability Committee monitors the activities of the organizations in charge and reports to the Management Committee. Through this system, we promote and monitor our sustainability initiatives on a Group-wide basis.

Materiarities of Net One Group

The Net One Group announced its materialities in December 2021.

Based on our recognition of the current operating environment, the new philosophy system, and the policies of the current Medium-Term Business Plan, we examine materialities with an emphasis on value for our company and value for society. These materialities are approved by the Board of Directors. Going forward, the Sustainability Committee, which was newly established in April 2022, will confirm their progress on a quarterly basis, while being monitoring by the Board of Directors.

Materiality Identification Process