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  1. Sustainability


Message from the Chairperson of the Sustainability Committee

We will establish a value creation cycle that is unique to our Group and focuses on generating both economic and social value.

Koji Tsuji
Senior Vice President
Chief Strategy & Digital Officer (CSDO)
Chairperson of the Sustainability Committee

Activities of the Sustainability Committee

A year during which the Group’s sustainability efforts generated increasingly widespread impact

The Net One Group revealed its Sustainability Policy in fiscal 2021 and later identified materiality-related issues to be targeted with various initiatives in fiscal 2022. We are confident that our additional establishment of original KPIs that complement existing management targets has made our approach toward increasing corporate value through both economic and social value easier to convey. In addition, we firmly believe that information distributed through our companywide Sustainability Day event has successfully enhanced employee understanding while heightening their enthusiasm for participating in managerial affairs. As chairperson of our Sustainability Committee, I would like to encourage employees to view sustainability initiatives as their own personal responsibilities and conduct themselves accordingly.

Materiality-Related Progress

Aiming to improve overall corporate value while maintaining an awareness regarding the interconnectedness of materiality-related issues

During fiscal 2022, we confirmed that our business strategy is on track toward solving social challenges. With regard to “expansion of green solutions,” a KPI associated with the materiality-related issue of “contribution to a decarbonized society,” we successfully developed services designed to solve social challenges and help decarbonize our society. These services have great potential, but we remain aware that contribution through our business operations will only be possible once we demonstrate the benefits these services provide when utilized. As our next step, we will expand our approach to include customers from different sectors and facilitate the creation of opportunities for new projects.
In terms of diversity, we have established goals for our female manager and newly hired female graduate ratios. By ensuring diversity, we will be able to carry out discussions and reviews from various perspectives, thereby strengthening our governance. Moving forward, we will continue to create an organizational culture characterized by respect for a diverse range of values.

We recognize that we now exist in an era during which everything is connected through networks; accordingly, we will continue to ensure that we focus on establishing connectivity as a means of contributing to the solving of social challenges. As a leading network company, we must fulfill our responsibilities by leveraging our expertise to rapidly develop and provide valuable services to society. We are confident that conducting business activities predicated upon the noble cause of solving social challenges will enhance both our economic growth and the value our existence represents to society at large. Furthermore, we plan to utilize the general value and profit we generate through both economic and social initiatives as resources for further value creation. We remain convinced that establishing such a value creation cycle will engender support from our stakeholde